You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Catching up

HEY! It has been a while, and in all honesty I was planning on letting my blog die away into the cyberspace. But Dad is going to be gone for severality and a few more months, and so I decided to try and keep it up again:)

I don't know where to start! I've been very busy with school...and I'm really tired right now so everything I write may not make sense or be grammatically correct, but I did just finish 12.5 hours of school, with a head-ache, so cut me some slack!

I've also been keeping myself busy with a drama program (human videos) I'm trying to get started here at the chapel. Everything is going smoothly with that, thanks to an amazing team helping me! Right now there are some snags with the script that we are trying to work through, there will be more about this later!

Piano lessons are going alright. I've just started learning, and am having some problems mastering G position because I keep wanting to play a C position. So needless to say, my music doesn't sound very pretty right now!

Japanese lessons are still going (but we'll be off for March while Mom is in and out). Akiko is determined to get us to read, I think I'd rather learn how to speak it. If I were going to be in Japan longer than I'm going to be I'd invest more time in learning to write it. I kind of don't like the language...I love the people. But I don't like their language. I liked German a lot better, it was much manlier sounding!

The snow is melting away! I'm kind of tired of the cold and ready for the sun to come out again. I hear from people who have lived here a while that spring is fastly approaching.

That's about all I can write for now, I need to go to bed and try and get some sleep. I've got a dentist appointment in the morning for my wisdom teeth, plus a test in most of my school subjects.

How's that Dad? lol


Natalie said...

If you get spring before we do I'm going to really jealous. We're supposed to get 6 more weeks of winter (thanks to whoever controls that groundhog) and I've never seen so much snow in one month. Good luck with mastering the G-position. That took me forever to learn. Then again your probably more disciplined than I am with piano lessons.

Renee said...

Ahhh wisdom teeth. My two older teens got theirs pulled during Christmas break.
Be sure to take the Rx as directed; stay on top of the pain the first day or two and you'll probably be a-okay.
btw, I know your mom from MHO and SHS

Jared said...

well maybe not Natalie, it just started to snow and snowed a lot of the afternoon:( but G posistion can be mastered right??? lol

Alright, thanks Renee

Michael said...

Jared, it looks great. I appreciate you updating the blog. Looking forward to coming home soon.

