You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snow Day!

It's a snow day! It's been snowing a lot these last few days, but we're supposed to get a heat wave. So we went and played before it all melted away. I'm really hoping for a white Christmas!

Our Texas snowgal

That chaperone was a bit scary! I honestly don't think this relationship is going to last long, she's got a bad habit of just leaving during spring and summer!

There's snow on the ground..meaning it's cold. Meaning I'm ready for Texas again!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Nursing Home

Last Friday we went to the local nursing home with a group from the chapel. We were going to wish them happy birthday. We had a large group. We gave them their gifts and then sang happy birthday. After that we sang the chorus of "Joy to the World," in English and Japanese.

The lady sitting is 104. Amazing..truly amazing!

In the bottom of the gift bags was some sparkling stencil. The workers at the nursing home couldn't figure it out and I heard them say "uki" among themselves. Then one of the lady's carried it over to the Christmas tree and put it on the tree. Mom and another lady started to help them. they couldn't reach the last couple of feet near the top, so I stepped in!

Just in case you were wondering, I avoided hitting my head on the door jams. There were a few close calls, but the collision was averted!

The Intercultural Exchange

Last Saturday we had a Intercultural Gift Exchange. Mr. Simon, a local American, brought about 20 Japanese children onto base to play games and have a pizza party with 20 American children. They decorated crafts, which were crosses. It was sad to watch the difference between the Japanese children and the American children. The Japanese were much better behaved. Not all of the Americans were being bad; I guess you can have 19 good kids, and then 1 bad kid reflects on the whole group.

The Chapel Middle-School Drama Team put on a play for the Japanese. Arielle is Joseph. It was fun to watch. The actors would say their lines for a bit, then the Japanese translator would translate to the Japanese.

There was also singing...I still have that tune stuck in my head!

And then there was the gift exchange. It was really neat to watch. Five Japanese children would stand, facing five American children, they would step towards each other, bow and then exchange gifts. Amazing and touching to watch.

Here it comes!

I'll try to keep the updates coming a bit faster and regularely. I've been busy, but anyways, here I am!

It is snowing outside and sticking; I hope we'll have enough snow on the ground tomorrow to do the things Americans boys and girls do in the snow: snowmen, snow forts, and snowball fights.

School is going well. I'm wrapping up the first unit, ending with the French Revolution. They were pretty messed up. I read the U.S Constitution and was totally amazed at how beautiful it was. But then I read the Declarations of the Rights of Man, and that was very creepy. It was hideous.

I'm in the process of writing an essay of comparison between Shintoism and Christianity. I've got 12 points (yeah I know, a lot). I've covered the first 2 points, and I'm already at 2 pages; this is looking like it is going to be a big piece of genius! lol