I went with the youth group on a hiking trip to Hakkoda Mountain, a volcano. At first it looks a lot like Alaska....

....But then after we were crammed into a ski-lift thingy I remembered we are in Japan! When the doors were open I had people running all over and pushing and shoving, I was sort of surprised really. The Japanese are so polite, next thing I knew I was having my head banged against those little black things hanging from the roof. At several points, during the mad rush to get off, I got separated. But seeing as it would be impossible to lose me in the crowd I wasn't to worried!

The view was absolutely amazing!

Sea of Japan


It was actually a volcano. Our guide, Mr. Simon took us to two craters. One of half of a crater, the other one was a perfectly round crater. Mr. Simon started to sing, "How great thou Art," when we reached the top, so we all joined in.

The Crater

There was a hot spring that we stopped to look at

The weather was really cold for someone leaving the warmer climates of TX, but it was a lot of fun. We split up at the first crater, only a few went on to the second crater, I went along to the second one. When we had all reached the bottom the second group told the first about the snow monkeys that attacked....oh yeah, no joke! lol