Alright...we're in the house, we have Internet, we are busy, and life is starting to have a bit of routine. The farmers have been real busy harvesting their second harvest of rice. They haven't had much luck with drying it though, it keeps raining.

Rice set out to dry

Arielle, Nolan, and I started piano lessons this week. I'm excited to try and learn it, and yes it is very manly! lol
Last week we started our Japanese lessons. We have a Japanese tutor, all is going well. She showed us the Hiragana alphabet (is it an alphabet, Mrs. Kim?). She showed us how to write our names in Katagana.
On Saturday night Arielle, Nolan, and I went to base to help out with an out reach. We set up booths with games, candy, hot apple cider, and hot-dogs, for the American and Japanese tricker-treaters. I didn't know the Japanese celebrated Halloween, but they probably just do it because they like to try American food. It was a lot of fun. I had a little bit of trouble communicating to the Japanese that we were handing out hot dogs. So I tried, "Dozo hot-dogo!" Eventually they figured it out!
Mom and I went to Homac (a Japanese Lowes). Outside was some Christmas stuff. The Japanese don't do Christmas, but are marketing towards Americans. I looked around, but all I saw was snowmen and Santa Clause, no Baby Jesus. I'll keep looking. I find it sad that those in America have marketed Christmas to the point that the main point is no longer the main point.
Oh, it also snowed yesterday. All of it melted, but it was exciting!