You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Adventures in Japan

Deep Breath! Mom is back! It was a really long week, but the folks at the chapel really took care of us while she was gone. She got back last night.

The human video team also performed in the high school talent show, we placed 3thd! I'll see about getting some pictures and a video later.

I started working on school again today, and got a lot done. I was feeling tired and so I decided to make an excursion to the ocean. It's a really pretty bike ride! As I got closer to the coast everything started to get really foggy and grainy; it looked really neat as it shifted across the rice fields though.

The beach was pretty foggy, I walked along it for a while and took a couple of pictures and collected some stuff along the beach.

I climbed out onto the wave breakers, and there was a big splash right behind me as I took the picture, and it kinda startled me! That's why I'm looking to the side
From 2010-06-10

From 2010-06-10

It was really relaxing and I felt refreshed and ready to take on life again when I got back. I also found a long bamboo rod in the wave breakers. I asked a Japanese dude out there (he was golfing on the beach.....hmmmm interesting) if it was alright to take it. I'm not entirely sure we completely understood each other but he said to take it. Getting it home was a bit tricky! I felt like a knight...but I'm sure I looked like a clown with that big old rod tucked under my arm! lol

1 comment:

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

You all did wonderful.

You felt like a knight? Who would have guessed? ::snort::
