You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I went paintballing this Saturday. It's been over a year since I've played, so I was a bit rusty, but I started to get my groove on near the end of the day.

I shocked everyone out there by showing up in my paintball gear....or lack thereof. Everyone was wearing vests and 20 layers of clothes...and then I show up in cammo pants and a sleeveless muscle shirt. They were like, "are seriously going to go out there like that????" I've got some nice welts!

Without going into very many particulars, the group of guys out there was rough. They also had extremely good in a shootout between me and one of them they usually got the better (their 20 rounds to my 1 per second adds up after the first few seconds!). I did bust a move or rushing a guys barricade...and then  jumped and slid on my knees while shooting and got him....very cool! lol

After paintballing, Mom and I ran to get some lunch at the BX (I was kind of a mess, covered in paint, dirt, mud, and welts). And thenI went to go mow Ch. B's lawn. After that I ran over to the chapel to load the slides for the service in the morning. I had troubles with the slides and so I wasn't able to load them till the next morning.

Mothers Day was good.


Krista said...

i love your blog Jared it sounds like you have been busy...i also like the Human video great job.

Araken said...

Sounds like a very interesting day!

Jared said...

thanks! we are working hard to get one ready for the school talent show...that'll be a great outreach!

It was!
