You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Running Around Misawa

I made a deal with Arielle that if she'd watch the Alamo with me, then I'd watch Pride and Prejudice with her. I've read the book, it's a good book and the movie is pretty good to.
From 2010-05-01
This week has been Golden Week. It's a big holiday around here. The carp that you see blowing in the wind represents the boys...because they have to be strong and determined like the carp. I' not sure if they have included it to be boys and girls...cuz I kinda have trouble beleiving this household has 4 boys.
From 2010-05-01
It is starting to look a lot like spring!
From 2010-05-01

From 2010-05-01

From 2010-05-01

From 2010-05-01
Me trying to jump rope.....i'm actually pretty good at it.
From 2010-05-01
We went to the Statue of Liberty Park.....I love going there. It is so amazing. they had vendors out there, and people were just enjoying the good weather. One vendor gave us some extremely undercooked meat....and exploding soda.....I don't know about
From 2010-05-01
Tres Amigos
From 2010-05-01
And then we went to the Swan Park and bought some food from the vendors (cooked this time) and then we went to this little garden surrounded by trees and it is very mystical. It is also very refreshing to see how artful and skilled God is in His design.
From 2010-05-01


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Hey that food is a root.

AND - now I know how we ended up watching P and P. LOL

Jared said...

well yeah, but it also gave me an excuse to see it cuz I'd been wanting to
