You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Monday, June 14, 2010


We went geocaching on Saturday. That was the first time that we've tried it without Dad or Cy to work the GPS, but we managed and found two! It took us down to the coast and then back into town.
From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache
Zander found it!
From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache
After we found the first one we walked around through the woods by Veedol beach...that's not the actual name of the beach but it has Miss Veedol's replica sitting out there therefore it is Veedol beach. lol.
From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache

From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache
I'm collecting bamboo rods for my own secret plans *evil laugh*
From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache
We also found the original runway that Miss Veedol took off of. It was pretty neat. There was a Japanese man out there pulling plants off the side of the path and bagging them up. At first I thought he was weeding, but then I realized he intended on eating those plants. He said it was "oishi," (delicious) mom tried eating one there but didn't really like it.
From 2010-06-12 Saturday_geocache


Natalie said...

OK, I have to ask. What's geocaching?

Jared said...

some people go and hide a box of some sort with little toys etc in it and then give out the cordinates for other people to enter into a GPS and then they go and find it. Pretty simple! lol

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

That was a FUN day. We DID it....I want to try some more - great way to get to know this area.
