Remember Who We Are
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's fixed
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I don't have any idea how many people I shot out...must have been in the hundreds! (okay, maybe not). We played "Protect the President,"I was secret service and we beat the terrorist pretty bad. I didn't even fire a round....we had them so confused on who was the real president and who was the decoy! It was funny to watch their whole team attack our decoy while the president walked away.
Another time I ran into one of the players on the other team in the woods...that was an interesting conversation we had!
"Wait, aren't you one of the bad guys?"
"Yeah, we're not on the same team." There was a second of hesitation and then we both lifted our guns.
"How about we be friends for a few minutes?" I suggested. Neither of us wanted a shoot out that close, so he agreed...but I got him out later on.
Once I used myself as a human shield for my team-mates...I don't know why I even bothered, they just tried to run away and were shot. All that for nothing!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Demonic Kids
For some reason they didn't feel like football, they wanted to play soccer....that was weird, but we went with it. We played soccer for a while.
I don't know why, but in any sport I play I always end up on the floor. When you fall down at House of Faith, you've got to get right back up; or else you'll get kicked in the head, gut, and have your knuckles ground into the pavement (I know this from personnel experience).
And so when I fell, I scrambled to get back up. Before I knew what was happening, Jamin, my own kin, was calling for a dog pile. Have you ever had fifteen, over weight children jump on op of you? If you haven't, then don't try it!
My ribs began to crack and I started to gag from loss of air. My right shoe and sock were taken and I found myself fighting for my life. Their blood was up and they attacked me as I struggled to my feet...Jamin took the shoe and threw it to me. I took off running...with one shoe on my foot, another in my hands. I got stuck in the jump ropes, and was forced to beat the head runners off with the shoe.
I ran to the water barrels, then over the playground, then back over the playground towards the water barrels again. The whole time I'm throwing them off of my back and holding on to my shoe. I threw the shoe to Jamin and collapsed by the water...bad idea. Next thing I knew I had cold water running down my back. I felt a sharp poke in my back, I turned around and saw the kid putting the knife away. It didn't hurt that bad...still it annoyed me.
Jamin led them around the yard and then he passed off the shoe to me....I took of running again. Straight up the play set and down the other side. We repeated this for a while until I threw the shoe off again. The kids jumped me. There's like five of them attacking my legs, I soon fall into the fire ant infested ground. I'm keeping them off of me while trying to get back up and run away. That's when they went for my pants; boy howdy did I start to fight! If you know me well, then you know I do a lot of running and have some strong legs....I sent them flying.
Ugh....We repeated this for some time. By the end I was soaked with cold water, covered in dirt and burs, my right foot was cut up with having no shoe, and I was ready to go home! Thank goodness the lesson started and so they had to go and sit down...I don't know how much longer I could have fought them off!
Another club, another day saved!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
One of the cutters of the ribbon was Congressman Mike Conaway. After the ceremony and the reporters had left Jamin and went to talk to him. That was super cool! We talked about the new chapel and then he asked us what we wanted to do in life.
When I told him I wanted to go into politics his eyes sort of lit up for a moment and then he gave me some advice. He suggested that I go into business for a while before I try to get into politics, that way I'd better be able to communicate to the people. I hadn't even thought of that.....but it really makes sense.
Later on in the day I finished up literature for the year!! I just need to go through my portfolio and make sure I have everything there.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Hell's Prisoner, part II
Drew was woken up by a pounding on the door. The door was flung open and Jake, his gang leader, ran into the room.
“The Masher gang is in our turf, we have to go and take it back!” Before Drew knew what was happening he was outside running along with his gang towards “Their” alley.
“They’re going to fight!” Kro’ot danced for joy, everything was going his way.
“Get them!” Jake yelled as he led the attack on the enemy gang.
“Kill each other!” Kr’ot laughed. The Masher’s were a considerably smaller gang than the Bones. Two of them were killed before the other Mashers finally turned and ran. The Bones chased them until they were nearly to the end of the alley. The dark alley lit up with colors as a police car screeched around the corner.
“Ha ha ha ha ha! Fight and get killed, that way our mission is finished!” the demons laughed. The angels grimly stood by.
Another police car cut off the retreat on the other end of the alley.
“Put your hands in the air and get against the wall!” the police officer said as he stepped out of the car, his pistol pointed at Jake. Jake looked around and saw two more police with guns waiting on the other side of the alley. Jake put his hands against the wall, so did the rest of the Mashers and Bones. As the police officer came to disarm Jake he spun round and punched the man in the face.
“Run for it!” there was a roar as one of the other policemen opened fire on Jake, he crumbled to the ground. Drew ran for all he was worth. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that he was the only one who made it out. Fierce fighting had broken out between the Mashers, Bones, and policemen.
Drew ran and ran until he reached the River Walk. He slipped into one of the shops and pretended to be reading the newspaper as he waited. After a while he left and strolled up and down the river. People were everywhere on the River Walk, shops lined both sides of the river and they were constantly kept busy. A lady walked by with a child in tow. Drew smiled at the child, the little girl screamed; Drew had been punched in the mouth and his mouth was bleeding. The woman turned on Drew,
“One more move like that mister and I’ll call the police.” Darkness was coming on.
‘What have I got to live for?’ he thought to himself. The demons threw their gear in the air, victory was theirs.
When the riverside was relatively quiet Drew took out his knife. He knelt by the river and placed the tip on his forearm. It would be a simple slit down the arm and he would soon bleed to death. He took a deep breath, so did the demons and the angels. A hand caught Drew’s wrists.
The angels began to smile; Joshua was on it all of the time.
“Don’t do it Drew, there’s a better way.” Tim wrenched the knife out of his friend’s hand.
The demons gritted their teeth, while the angels danced for joy.
“Let go of me, no there isn’t!” Drew jerked away from Tim’s grip.
“To the gates! Hold the gates!” Kr’ot bellowed. Demons scrambled to hold the gates. The walls trembled.
“Yes there is, it’s Jesus. He is the only way. Drew, fall into the awaiting arms of Jesus. He died a criminal’s death for you and me; He wants better for you.” Drew began to cry.
“I killed another person today; can He forgive me for that?”
The demons braced the gate with whatever they could get their hands on, they knew what the answer was going to be.
“Yes, He can.” The top of the tower to the demon fortress began to crumble.
“What do I have to do to let Jesus come into my life?” Drew sobbed.
“I’ll tell you, just repeat after me: Almighty God…..”
Cries of pain rent the sky as fire began to fall from the sky onto the fortress, the walls began to crack. The angels celebrated.
“……I’m unworthy of Your mercy…” the gate began to buckle, “…..I’m a sinner and for that You sent Your one and only Son to die for me. Thank You, please forgive me and come into my heart.”
“NOOOOOO!” Kr’ot screamed. The gates to the fortress burst open and angels hurled themselves on the demons. The demons fell back under the fearsome onslaught of the angels. Kr’ot formed his demons into a line. The angels charged the line; there was a clash of weapons and then the lines stood. Neither side saw progress.
“But, what about the police?” Drew asked as he wiped tears from his face, “I’d better get running.” Hope began to shine in the demons’ eyes and they forced the angels back a few feet.
“Turn yourself in, God will handle the rest.” Tim patted Drew’s shoulder. The angels forced the demons back and gained ground.
“Fight for you lives!” Kr’ot stood on a mound of his own dead demons near the back, “fight to keep Drew’s soul damned!”
“Fight for the soul of Drew!” Michael called to his angels from the frontlines, in one hand he held a flaming sword and in the other he held the white flag of the Lamb.
“Put your hands up, you’re under arrest!” Drew turned as if to run, the demons gained heart. Drew stopped, gave Tim a hug and surrendered to the policeman. The will of the demons snapped and they fled. Michael pushed his way to Kr’ot andhurled him down from the mound. The angels chased the demons down and slew them all. The angels rushed into the prison to free the soul of Drew. They still had the jailor to deal with.
Fleish, the jailor, had the prison doors barred. He had three of the best demons in the fortress standing next to him.
There was a solid torturing table that the soul was chained to. The demons took position behind it, arrows notched. The soul was dark and round, it had no features. It was broken in two. There was a banging on the door as Michael attacked the door with his sword.
The door shattered to pieces as Michael broke through, arrows buzzed at his head. He clipped down each arrow in rapid succession.
“Fire again!” more arrows flew. Michael jumped to the side and then sprang over the table. As he landed he slew a demon. More angels packed into the room; the demons were overwhelmed. With one careful swing Michael cut the chains away from the soul.
While I was clearing stuff from my bedroom wall, I took my Civil Air Patrol Cadet of the Year eagle down from the wall. The once black feathers for the bald eagle were grey with dust. I couldn't help but think, "and this symbolizes a whole year of my life?" Is that the legacy I'll that gets covered in dust.
Will they remember me as someone who loved the Lord with all his heart or was just going through the motions? As a protector or a jerk? As a brother who could be trusted? Or just the regular guy in a youth group?
I've been doing a lot of thinking like this lately...I guess it can be mainly attributed to the move. One tends to do a lot of soul searching when you know you're moving. I don't want to come across as trying to build my pride or anything like that. I do think that if everybody remembers you as being a person not to hang out with, then that could say something about your character. I really don't know how to put it all in words in an understandable manner, but it was worth a shot.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The epic garage sell
On FRIDAY we had people showing up and trying to buy things....I walk into my room and see a canoe leaving the yard (through the window, the canoe wasn't in my room). Later on I open the shed and see the canoe paddles, 'maybe we should have given him those?' Later on I found out we did give him some. My little brother cornered one of them and started to talk to him in Japanese...the guy had no idea.
We couldn't get this one guy out of our hair until we finally just sold him something! It was funny/annoying to have people driving by and asking, "Are y'll having a garage sell?" Some of the thoughts that went through head were similar to this, "no, we just like to put all of our household items on tables in the middle of our driveway."
One lady tried buying the neighbors swing set....I'm sure the neighbor was happy with the price I got for it.
We had most everything set up by late Friday night. Jamin (my brother) and I volunteered to sleep in the driveway to watch over our stuff. So I slept by the Christmas tree, in my driveway, in the cold and wet, with the neighbors having a party.

It was the party went later into the night, they started to laugh at stupid jokes and get louder as they drank more. Jamin actually tried telling them to pipe down....drunks don't really go for that.
At 6:30, the wet and cold me, wakes up as my mom and her friend came out in the driveway to finish setting things up.
The garage sell was supposed to start at 8:30....but at 7:00 people started showing up and we were kept busy. The people who stole things were annoying....did they really think we didn't notice????
One of the things in the sell was a sign that says, "Amazing Grace," with a large nail going down the middle to symbolize Christ on Calvary. Some guy walked over to this sign, took the nail off of the sign and looks at me.
"What the *beep* does this mean?" There was another chance to talk about Jesus...even if it was very brief, it was something!
We sold a lot and all of us are extremely tired!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I, being the oldest of my two siblings needing shots, heroically and bravely (hey, they only needed to hit me over the head once) went first. Nolan, my little brother smirked at me as i went into the room and he went down the hallway. I'm still calm and cool with this.
The doctor puts me in the chair while she gathers some bottles of some sort.
"How many shots am I getting?" I ask.
"Two." she says. I can handle two shots.
but as I sat there I watched her pull out SIX needles and start to fill them with the liquid from the bottles.
"How many am I getting again???" I ask, starting to get nervous.
"Only two." she says. It turns out these were for my brother and far, so good.
I'm the sort of person who can keep everything calm and under control until about the last minute. An example would be doing the zipline at a camp I went to and then remembering my fear of heights at the top....but I jumped anyways (with a little help!).
I couldn't handle it anymore.
"Shouldn't we pray before we do this???" for some reason everybody thinks your joking when you say this...I don't really know why.
They could have given me a cooler band-aid than the pink turtle one though!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hell's Prisoner, part I
A tall demon strode among his troops; he had a whip of fire that he lashed out at scurrying soldiers,
“Get on the walls or get sent back to hell!” he lashed at a new recruit with the whip. The demons stood shoulder to shoulder on the walls. The tall demon, named Kr’ot, mounted the wall.
“Ready your arrows!” there was a clanking of metal as shoulders rubbed against shoulders in an effort to get arrows from the quiver at their sides. There was a stretching sound as they pulled back their bows. The sky was dark with a reddish tint. There was a flash of red lighting every now and again.
“Left Haste!” The demon legion turned on their heels and faced the ominous light coming towards them.
The darkness on the horizon was being pushed back by a bright and clean light.
“No, not them!” a demon whined. The walls began to shake as thousands of feet hit the ground.
“Hey, I’m going to youth group, wanna come?” Tim asked Drew. Drew looked at Tim through bloodshot eyes, eyes that hadn’t had any sleep in days.
“Why?” he asked, his voice was hoarse from the many cigarettes that he’d smoked. Even then he played with a pack of them.
“You never know, there could be a new best friend there. Come on, it’ll be fun.” Tim persisted; he held an NIV bible in one hand and a soda can in another. His hair was gooped into a Caesar cut and he had a friendly smile.
The light was the glow of thousands of angels. They carried a white banner over their heads. The ground under them turned from dry and cracked land to green and lush territory. They marched in perfect formation towards the fortress. The angel walking ahead of the rest held his hand up. The rest of the angels stood still.
“Remember, not one arrow shot unless we are invited to do battle. Let’s set up camp out of their arrow reach.” The angel’s voice was soft, yet it carried authority that the demons on the wall knew and respected.
A demon on the wall shuttered,
“There’s too many of them, we’ll be butchered!” Kr’ot, the demon commander, knocked the speaker to the ground.
“They won’t attack. They’ll only come to free his soul if he asks for freedom. That is why we can’t let him go do anything with that scum of a Christian.” Just then the entire fortress shook. The jailer, who was second in command, ran up to Kr’ot.
“He’s going to church, we’re doomed!”
“Not if I can help it.” Kr’ot’s voice was deep and gruff, he had many open sores on his rough hide and the left side of his face was smashed in.
Drew followed Tim down the streets of San Antonio. As they passed a building a group of other teenage boys ran in their path.
“Where are you going?” the leader asked. He wore a hat tilted to one side; he idly played with a switchblade as he talked. Drew swallowed hard.
“I….I….I was just going to church, er, I mean a meeting.”
“Would that meeting happen to be the one that you’re late for, the one concerning the fate of another son of a….”
“Please stop, just let us go.” Tim intervened.
“Get lost, holy boy, or we’ll kill you. This is business that concerns the Bones only.”
“Come with me, Drew.” Tim whispered as he walked off. Drew took a step after him.
The demons cowered on the wall in terror, was their end coming?
“Fine, Drew, go to church. Come on guys let’s go get something to drink.” The leader walked off. Drew stopped. He knew what the drink was. If he didn’t go with them then they’d probably beat him up later. In his head he heard a voice screaming at him to go with his gang.
“Hey Tim, you go on, I’ll catch up later.” He started after his gang.
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit.” With that Drew went with his gang.
Cheers erupted from the wall tops. The defenders danced to and fro, they would hold out the Lamb and his armies yet another day.
“Ha, come and get us, if you dare!” Kr’ot roared at the angels encamped below the walls.
“Oh please don’t make them mad!” a young recruit cried. Kr’ot kicked him from the wall top down the stairs into the courtyard below.
“It is not the way of the Lamb. He won’t just break His way through the gates and free the soul. He waits to be asked, and Satan willing, He won’t be invited in!”
The entire night was spent in celebration. The demons sang horrible and evil songs as they pranced around a large fire in the courtyard.
“Are you still loyal to your Lamb now?” a demon jeered at the angels.
Michael, the head angel, called the angels to line up in formation.
“Prepare to say the oath of allegiance to the Lamb,” he called. When all of the angels had their position they shouted back to the walls.
“We pledge allegiance to the Lamb, Savior of the world,
For which He stands, one God over the all nations
Indivisible and indestructible with mercy and
Forgiveness for all.”
The demons backed away from the walls in fright.
Drew lay on a pile of garbage bags in an alley. He was ripped from the lands of sleep as a car went by. He sat up and held his throbbing head.
“I knew I shouldn't have had that last bit.” He staggered to his feet and shuffled out of the alley. The sun was bright over the city of San Antonio; Drew shaded his eyes as he emerged from the shadows. He slouched down the street until he reached the apartment that he stayed in. He fumbled at the door, trying to ignore the landlord.
“This month’s payment is dew. Make sure you have the money by tomorrow afternoon.”
“I doon’t haave any monkey.” Drew muttered.
“You’re drunk again? Boy,” the African American stood to his full height, “straighten up and get a job or I won’t have you here. Oh and take some sort of breath mint or something.” The landlord walked off shaking his head. Drew fell on the bed and slipped off into a deep sleep.