On FRIDAY we had people showing up and trying to buy things....I walk into my room and see a canoe leaving the yard (through the window, the canoe wasn't in my room). Later on I open the shed and see the canoe paddles, 'maybe we should have given him those?' Later on I found out we did give him some. My little brother cornered one of them and started to talk to him in Japanese...the guy had no idea.
We couldn't get this one guy out of our hair until we finally just sold him something! It was funny/annoying to have people driving by and asking, "Are y'll having a garage sell?" Some of the thoughts that went through head were similar to this, "no, we just like to put all of our household items on tables in the middle of our driveway."
One lady tried buying the neighbors swing set....I'm sure the neighbor was happy with the price I got for it.
We had most everything set up by late Friday night. Jamin (my brother) and I volunteered to sleep in the driveway to watch over our stuff. So I slept by the Christmas tree, in my driveway, in the cold and wet, with the neighbors having a party.

It was funny...as the party went later into the night, they started to laugh at stupid jokes and get louder as they drank more. Jamin actually tried telling them to pipe down....drunks don't really go for that.
At 6:30, the wet and cold me, wakes up as my mom and her friend came out in the driveway to finish setting things up.
The garage sell was supposed to start at 8:30....but at 7:00 people started showing up and we were kept busy. The people who stole things were annoying....did they really think we didn't notice????
One of the things in the sell was a sign that says, "Amazing Grace," with a large nail going down the middle to symbolize Christ on Calvary. Some guy walked over to this sign, took the nail off of the sign and looks at me.
"What the *beep* does this mean?" There was another chance to talk about Jesus...even if it was very brief, it was something!
We sold a lot and all of us are extremely tired!
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