You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Deployment Goals

Last night, while we sat around eating ice-cream, Dad asked us what our deployment goals are. hmmmmm.....during this last month I've spent a lot of time with my siblings. Probably more than I've done since we got to Japan. Because I hadn't had school to do, I spent a lot of time with them. And now that March is over and I'm starring down the barrel of some very long school weeks, I don't want to go back to what I'd been doing before this month started. So my first deployment goal is to spend at least .5 hour playing with them everyday, be it board games or outside.

My second goal is to update the blog for Dad at least 3x times a week. :)

My third goal: Max out on the bench press at 160lb. I can do 130 now, so I figure I'll just keep pushing. I think I'd like a six pack too, but I'm not sure that is an official goal!

I also plan on cutting back on Facebook time. I wanted to see if I could go the whole day yesterday without getting on facebook. I did it, but it was hard!! I hadn't realized how much time I'd spent on facebook. It has started to overcome me, and I don't like things having any control over me and so I'm going to try and wean myself of it.


Michael said...

Thanks for keeping the blog going. It means a lot to me.

Love you
Proud of you

Daughter of Trust said...

I really like your goals, Jared. Keep up the good work.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Great them all...though I think you are supposed to have someone spot you when you lift weights????

Jared said...

Thanks! I'll do my best to keep it updated and amazing! lol

yeah...I need to work that part out, but I'm sure everyone in the room will come and help the small white kid out from under the 160 lbs!
