I love the Japanese, and their little cars!

As you can see the grass is well kept up! lol

Inside they had all sorts of things to do. This was a pulley system. Alex lifted him and Stacia with no problem using the pulleys.

This is a mimic helicopter.

Flight simulators. Arielle and I did good, we nearly crashed landed, but we straightened it out. And I accidental turned off the throttle while in mid air, but other than that it was a good flight!

You know those little needle things that you put your face in? They had a full body sized one of those. Yay Longhorns! I wasn't sure if the horns meant something bad here, so I etched it out very quickly!

This would shoot you 26 feet in the air

This would spin around...not fast though.

This globe was rotating. There were little lasers that resembled guns (ironic) and you would "shoot" the country you wanted to know about and information on that country would pop up on the screen.

No Gravity! I'm FREE!

There was a music festival outside. We bought meat on a stick...I can pronunce it, but I can't spell it right now, maybe later! This made their day! They even gave us one free one after we had returned a few times for more. They laughed and smiled and were very friendly!

There was so much to do in there! We barely scratched the surface, and I don't have time to write more about it right now. A lot of the rides and stuff was stuff that astronaut trainees would do. I had a lot of fun!
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