The gardens themself was very well kept up. The idea being that it is a place of tranquility. It was. You can almost feel a bit of peace as you enter the place! I was surpirsed when they had a play land on the other end of the garden. The Japanese like to make things very family freindly and there wasn't any admitance fee.
This car reminds me of someone I know....

Some of these pictures will not coorperate and be like the rest, so sorry it doesn't all match!

They had a ferris wheel...a very slow moving ferris wheel!

As always there is something that just isn't the right size! But really, that sink is for children.

There was a little water ride

Did I mention monkeys??? These monkeys looked like they had some har loss problems. It's fun watching monkeys and their mannerisms!

Ice-Cream in the vending machine is a big deal here! The flavors were good. They actually have an ice-cream here that isn't cold. I don't know what it is made of, but it's not cold, but it tastes like ice-cream.

I thought Mom was taking a picture with me and the sign in Kanji that I had just read, instead she got one of me and that rather scary looking statue!

I saw the rock slide and the first thing that went through my head was, "let's slide down it!" not realizing that is what you actually do. Pretty cool

The Japanese branch of of the G Family

Most of the rides were hard on Dad and I's knees. The go-cart racing, roller-coaster, and pedal ride was no excpetion!

You get an excerise while you play! You just peddle the peddles like you would a bike and around the track you go!

Alex sort of reminds me of Jamin when he first started to learn to drive!

Stacia on the ferris wheel

There was a pond with large carp, which represent boyhood. Becuase the carp is determined and swims up stream. Sounds to me like they need to be introduced to the King Salmon! But they actually have a Boy Festival where everyone puts out these carp on their front doors to remind boys to be dtermined and "get 'er done!"

Why does Japan get all the cool playground equipment?
that looks like so much fun!I'm jealous!
Natalie-I don't is a lot of fun to be on the play grounds. Just wait till you see the pic with the huge slide! lol
Bre-It is a lot of fun, wish you were here!
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