You guessed it, a ramen house! Mom and I had been wanting to try another Japanese restaurant. We had heard some good things about this place, but also that a cockroach was spotted recently. The cockroach didn't bug me to much, just don't think of insects while you eat!
I was surprised to see a TX licence plate on the wall, along with a lot of other state plates. Apparently when Americans leave Misawa they write a note on the licence plate and leave it at this restaurant.

The Ramen Bowls were huge!!! So big, they made us put on life jackets before they would serve us our bowls!

A restaurant on the bottom, and a house on top. Is that common Mrs. Kim?

Also, is it the polite thing to drink the broth when the noodles are all eaten? That's what I thought, but nobody else was doing it.

I know that houses on top of restaurants are common in some areas of California. Does that count? So was this Ramen any better than the packaged version?
haha looks like you had fun
Are they common in like LA and the big city? maybe it's just a confined space sort of deal1 lol
Umm... I'm thinking in the san francisco area.
i love the picture of Zander having a stare down with the noodles
San Francisco, LA, same place! lol
Alex was determined to intimidate that noodle! lol
Hi again! Yes, homes above stores are really common. Many times the owners live upstairs.
A few tips about ramen: First, did you get a little white spoon with it? You pick up your noodles with the chopsticks, put a little soup in the spoon, rest the noodles on the spoon, bring it up a little ways nearer your mouth and SUCK UP the noodles with a gusty sound. Most people don't drink much of the soup because it is really too salty and filled with animal LARD. My husband drinks some of his, though, so you are in great company.
Also, did they have gyoza at the shop!? This is a MUST with ramen. They are often called pot stickers in the US. Soooo good - and a bit garlicky. You make a sauce from those bottles I see on the table - some soy sauce, vinegar and some of the HOT sesamae oil - not for kiddos. Soooo good. Ryu leaves out the vinegar. And dip the gyoza in it. Also, we find that ramen shops have the best fried rice. Probably due to the lard - ??? Maybe. "Yaki-meshi" should get you some. I look forward to seeing if it worked!
How's the kanji, coming, by the way? Jun nearly has the hiragana down pat! Did you beat her?
I believe they had gyoza. I'm loving trying all of the new foods.Soooo THAT'S what the spoon was for, I was wondering about that! lol
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