The view on the water was very pretty. I can't think of anything prettier than watching that sunrise. It was breath-taking, so much so I forgot to take a picture!

The boat was a little bit smaller than expected, and our fellow Americans were throwing a fit. I couldn't believe how jerky they were being to the Japanese. Sad.
This was my least favorite job....baiting the hook!

The boat behind me is the one we thought we were going to be on, but instead we went to a smaller one!

I had a lot of fun. I was also very glad I didn't get sea sick. I wasn't looking forward to being sick, but had prepared myself psychologically; running Facebook status' through my head "Jared is a sick-sea dog." But I didn't get sick, so life is good!

I know it looks like I'm eating my thumb, but that it is really beef jerky

This is the SMALLEST fish that we caught, I know there has been rumors that they weren't big, but they were so big that the whole boat nearly sunk. Oh yeah. I had to cut the line to save every ones life. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

After we would catch a fish, it would be thrown onto ice. After we had docked we found out that the sea people don't clean the fish for you, that you have to do it yourself. I had my knife that I bought in California so Dad and I headed off to clean the fish. We stopped off at the Chapel office so Dad could work on something for a minute. I sat in the car with our supposedly dead fish. To my surprise I started to hear flapping in the back. Perplexed, I go and check it out. To my horror the sea bass had gotten out of the bag and was striking out on his own across the floor of the van. The little rascal took a bit of effort to catch. He almost got under the seat before I could nab him!
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