They had squid....

....And very expensive watermelon. That's 1200 yen, about 12 dollars for a watermelon

None of us were really sure what this was, but we all tried it and like it

The Gang

They had ice-cream

This picture works for the hair-cut shot

I was really impressed with how polite and honest the Japanese are. Nolan dropped a dollar and a lady chased us down to give it to him. There was a lot of different smells and sounds. There was some sort of pipe looking thing that was hanging from the ceiling that I kept bumping my head into.
I noticed while driving through Misawa and Hochinohe that everyone dries their laundry by hanging it on the back porch.....interesting. Is there any reason for this?
Awesome squid picture. I'm not quite sure why, but I laughed as soon as I saw it. The fish sort of look like really think pancakes. The haircut doesn't look all that bad. It's just short... (lol)
i like the hair too
The squid are very comical! lol That's what they were, we think, pancakes with some sort of custer. We asked a lady, but we couldn't understand her...all we picke dout was "squid and fish." hmmmm
Thanks about the hair!
Love the new cut. :-)
I am not a very adventurous eater, so all that fishy stuff would not appeal to Bessie, she loves to try new foods.
You see a lot of folks drying their clothes outside here in the northeast. I guess it just saves on running your dryer.
About the haircut - not bad!!! And you "did" it by yourself - language, I mean!
I don't know that the longhorn sign is bad here, but the peace sign is the usual sign for when we take pictures. Really! Should see Jun's! Maybe Alex can do THAT one too!
About dryers - most of them are electric here, and electricity is TOO expensive (off base). So, even if people have them, they are weak and not used. I have been dryerless for 10 years, and enjoy the morning stretch of hanging out the laundry! No, REALLY!!!
Debbie-I don't really like to try new foods usually helps just not to look! lol
Mrs. Kim-I'm trying to learn how to say, "I don't want to look like that Sailor over there...please, only 3 inches!." lol
I guess it makes since to air dry you have any troubles with bugs or rain?
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