We check to make sure our tank fits in the garage. You can see me standing with my head through the sunroof talking to the Japanese dude. He looked at me and said, "Basket?" while making a basketball shooting motion. That was hilarious!

We check the insides of houses still being built....Dad looks sort of sinister!

We checked the bathroom. I tried getting the photo to flip, but it wouldn't. So, if you can't see it, the sink is on top of the toilet. I guess you'd get water from the tank!

We checked the view from outside

At noon all of the workers stopped, ate some rice and took naps

And of course you need someone to supervise!

::snort:: WISE boy. Thanks for loading the photos.
Supervise or stupervise
Mom-Don't touch my mustache...I don't know how to spell you're welcome in Japanese
Krista-I assure you, I was supervising!
so wait...is the house you are getting the one with bathroom dispersed all over the house?
No, we're getting one that is being built for americans...and they know that Americans like thier bathrooms in one spot!
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