You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our house again!

We went to the house again. It's about 4 miles from the side gate, but it takes about 15 minutes to drive to it...the traffic is very slow. The fastest I've seen the speed limit is about 70 KM....the only place you drive that slow in the States is Oregon. Texas speed limits vs Japanese speed limits...hmmm, let's go with the 80 mph!

The field behind the house had been plowed. I hope it isn't more houses going up. I'm hoping the farmer is going to plant some cabbages or something!
The ride fields (I give up trying to spell what they are called!) at the opposite end of the street from us.
It is the most beautiful place I've ever seen
This is us on the "back porch"
This will be the kitchen/dining room
It has everything I want...wide open fields, mountains, trees, and snow in the winter!

This has nothing to do with the house, but I need to say it! Riding shot-gun on the left side of the road is one of the scariest things I've ever done! The roads are tight and there isn't very many places to go. There isn't a shoulder, and it will cost you everything you are worth if you drive into the farmers crops. It seems like everything is going to smash into you. Every time you take a turn it feels like you're going to crash into the curb. I'm sure the driver feels the same on the right side with all of the traffic! I'm not sure I want to learn to drive here....we'll see.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

My son, may I offer you the back "right hand" seat? ::snort:: I agree! It IS nerve wracking to ride on the left side...and there are NO SHOULDERS at all...this has me a bit worried for the winter. Shoot...has me a bit worried now - that spot around the Shinto Shrine is something else. ::snort::

It IS gorgeous...I'm so glad we found a pretty spot in the midst of the concrete.

Natalie said...

Looks like you'll be playing farmer for a while!

Jared said...

I guess we'll be doing a lot of sudden visits to the Shinto shrine during the winter! lol

Natalie-Yep, that's us. Little house on the prarie...or paddy

Daughter of Trust said...

"most beautiful place I have ever seen" .... "It has everything I want." I like the sound of those phrases...sounds like you are beginning to love your new

Jared said...

I am...I think i'll love it better when I can live in it! ~grin~
