I went to get a haircut the other day. I got a haircut right before the Civil Air Patrol awards banquet...early December. And then in January I finished Civil air Patrol and so I didn't need to keep it cut every other week.
When the barber called my number I bravely went up. Without any thought about personnel safety I sat down in that chair. I've been scarred of barbers ever since I was ten and had my head buzzed because of a miscommunication with the barber!
"I just want to warn you, I haven't had a haircut since December. Something may jump out at you." I felt it was my duty to warn her. She laughed a nervous chuckle and asked what I wanted done with it.
I was sitting in a military barbershop and so everyone else was getting their heads buzzed. "I'd like it to be short, but not like you know who, short." she went to work.
While she was working I was looking at all of the military guys around me. How in the world could this guy possibly cut his hair any shorter???? I thought. They found a way. Truly amazing.
After a while, "How would you like the ears done?" I thought about it and then answered.
"Let's keep the ears, but cut the hair around the ears." she laughed.
"You're making it hard to cut."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." There's that whole just saying whatever comes to mind thing again!
Jamin walked in, he looked hurried.
"You can't rush art," I told him.
I really should have stopped telling jokes. But I didn't. That might explain why my hair looks the way it does! She charged a little extra for that job!
You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence
Remember Who We Are
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Crazy Cat
The other day, while the packers were packing more stuff from our house....I think, I took Stacia (my 3yo sister) to the park. On the way she told me all about her moose and lions that were playing hide-and-go-seek. That was new!
On the way back a cat ran out at us from a driveway. Stacia wanted to pet it, and so I let her. That was a mistake, because the cat followed us all of the way home. I slammed the gate in its face, hoping it would take the hint that we did not want it to come into the yard.
It was a very hot day and so I went to get our dog, Beatrix (she's about 18), some water. I heard this scratching sound by the fence. Next thing I knew there was this yellow cat in our yard. I have not seen Beatrix show that much life in forever. She darted past me and straight at the cat. The cat turned into a fuzz ball and actually did a somersault over the dog. The cat then ran up the fence and hissed at the dog. I called Beatrix back and continued to give her water. The cat jumped down again....the dog and cat did the same thing.
They repeated this a few more times. I sent the dog inside because I didn't want her to loose an eye if she actually caught the cat! I chased the cat around the yard, with about the same effects. Then Dad came out and pulled out the water hose. The cat jumped over the fence. We could hear it whining a little ways down the alley. We all thought that was the end of the story and went back into the garage to work on the electricity.
It was really hot in the garage so I opened the garage door. A yellow cat wondered in....I tell ya! We put it into a basket, behind bars. It laid down and purred at us. Josiah, Dad, and I thought about what to do with it. A little bit later we came up with the perfect cover up story: Shot while trying to escape.
For real now. We drove it away, and we haven't seen it since. It was hard to get rid of it! This may seem small in the overall scheme, but it was something that broke the routine of the day!
I need to get off...but I have started to update. I'll get the haircut, graduation, and family pictures when I can get to the Internet again. I'm still having troubles with comments. I can see them, but it won't let me reply. I'm working on it, but right now I need to go!
On the way back a cat ran out at us from a driveway. Stacia wanted to pet it, and so I let her. That was a mistake, because the cat followed us all of the way home. I slammed the gate in its face, hoping it would take the hint that we did not want it to come into the yard.
It was a very hot day and so I went to get our dog, Beatrix (she's about 18), some water. I heard this scratching sound by the fence. Next thing I knew there was this yellow cat in our yard. I have not seen Beatrix show that much life in forever. She darted past me and straight at the cat. The cat turned into a fuzz ball and actually did a somersault over the dog. The cat then ran up the fence and hissed at the dog. I called Beatrix back and continued to give her water. The cat jumped down again....the dog and cat did the same thing.
They repeated this a few more times. I sent the dog inside because I didn't want her to loose an eye if she actually caught the cat! I chased the cat around the yard, with about the same effects. Then Dad came out and pulled out the water hose. The cat jumped over the fence. We could hear it whining a little ways down the alley. We all thought that was the end of the story and went back into the garage to work on the electricity.
It was really hot in the garage so I opened the garage door. A yellow cat wondered in....I tell ya! We put it into a basket, behind bars. It laid down and purred at us. Josiah, Dad, and I thought about what to do with it. A little bit later we came up with the perfect cover up story: Shot while trying to escape.
For real now. We drove it away, and we haven't seen it since. It was hard to get rid of it! This may seem small in the overall scheme, but it was something that broke the routine of the day!
I need to get off...but I have started to update. I'll get the haircut, graduation, and family pictures when I can get to the Internet again. I'm still having troubles with comments. I can see them, but it won't let me reply. I'm working on it, but right now I need to go!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I haven't wrote much this last week...I've been out of the house. But being in the house wouldn't have helped because my house is empty. I'll try and write about the crazy cat, the haircut adventure, and graduation when I can get to the Internet for a longer period of time! But for right now, just know that life is crazy and very eventful and somewhat stressful right now!
BTW. Blogger is having troubles and blows up in my face every time I try to reply to comments. Like it completly throws off the Earth's gravitational pull when I try, so I'm not ignoring y'all!
BTW. Blogger is having troubles and blows up in my face every time I try to reply to comments. Like it completly throws off the Earth's gravitational pull when I try, so I'm not ignoring y'all!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My brothers and I planned on going paintballing this Sunday. I've had a sore throat since Saturday, but I wanted to play paintball with my brothers one last time before I go to Japan. So we all went.
It is very unpleasant to crawl around a corner in the trench and find a "bad guy" on the other side of the corner in the same trench with you. That relationship went sour quick!
I was having troubles cleaning my mask and so I couldn't see one round. It was really bad because I knew Josiah was crawling up on me. I shot a random shot and then ducked back down every now and again...needless to say, I didn't survive that round!
It also isn't cool to to be in the Alamo and have the fort being surrouned. Me and my friend just dumped the fort and charged them; with Jamin joining us in the charge outside the fort. We won that round...I don't know how!
Much more happened...but I need to run, back to the trailer! We moved out of the house after paintballing.
It is very unpleasant to crawl around a corner in the trench and find a "bad guy" on the other side of the corner in the same trench with you. That relationship went sour quick!
I was having troubles cleaning my mask and so I couldn't see one round. It was really bad because I knew Josiah was crawling up on me. I shot a random shot and then ducked back down every now and again...needless to say, I didn't survive that round!
It also isn't cool to to be in the Alamo and have the fort being surrouned. Me and my friend just dumped the fort and charged them; with Jamin joining us in the charge outside the fort. We won that round...I don't know how!
Much more happened...but I need to run, back to the trailer! We moved out of the house after paintballing.
I am sitting in a mostly empty house...the keyboard is sitting on my lap because there isn't any desk room.
On Saturday I went to a friend's funeral. That was very hard for me and everybody who knew him. He was a good man. He preached a sermon on the armor of God that inspired me to write Hell's Prisoner. He always had a smile and an encouraging word. He acted as Philip and I acted as Nathaniel in The Living Last Supper skit that the chapel puts on.
Please pray for the family; it is a very hard thing.
On Saturday I went to a friend's funeral. That was very hard for me and everybody who knew him. He was a good man. He preached a sermon on the armor of God that inspired me to write Hell's Prisoner. He always had a smile and an encouraging word. He acted as Philip and I acted as Nathaniel in The Living Last Supper skit that the chapel puts on.
Please pray for the family; it is a very hard thing.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Poll Results
Well Jamin, it is a little undecided whether we look alike or not. That's a real bummer for you, better luck next time!
It is funny. I have had absolute strangers come up to me and say, "you two have the same eyes." Which is even funnier, because his are blue, and mine are greenish-blueish.
And then on the other side I've had people who have known me for a while and were shocked when they found out Jamin and I are brothers.
Maybe a re-vote needs to happen?
It is funny. I have had absolute strangers come up to me and say, "you two have the same eyes." Which is even funnier, because his are blue, and mine are greenish-blueish.
And then on the other side I've had people who have known me for a while and were shocked when they found out Jamin and I are brothers.
Maybe a re-vote needs to happen?
The Packers, day 1-2
They came, they worked, they left. That about sums up the Wednesday crew! I have had a really long week...I don't remember what was key about this day...I was really sober and felt dead the whole day. I guess that could be from coming off of the slushy from the day before!
The Thursday crew was really good. They knew what they were doing, they were polite, and quick. It only took them a day and a half to pack all of our storage.
In the middle of all the craziness of packing this little rat/dog thing ran into the house. Jamin picked it up and took it outside. The lady across the street said she knew who it belonged to. So Jamin handed up the chiwowaw (I have no idea how to spell the name!). Life was good. And then a lady stopped by and asked if we had seen her dog. Jamin told what had happened. She left, life was good again. I took the our dog on a walk. I'm stopped by this car in the middle of the intersection. Of course I'm thinking I'm about to get mugged or something. Nope.
This lady wanted to know where/why we took her dog!!! She asked if the people we gave the dog to was crazy..I told her no. I bit my tongue not to say something really sarcastic! I assured her we hadn't taken her dog and told her where to go for the dog. I pressed on with my walk. Life was good again.
The neighbors we gave the dog to was wrong about knowing where the dog belonged, and so she handed it off to another neighbor and ran some chores.
About ten minutes later the same car pulled up behind me and the lady asked me AGAIN. I told her all I knew again...she asked me to look for her dog because they had no idea where they were. While the lady had been stalking me another lady had been doing the same to Jamin at the house. Jamin and I went and looked for the dog and eventually found the chiwowaw. Go to Scribe-Jamin.blogspot.com for the things we wanted to say during this whole show!
WHY does everybody assume I want to help them find their dogs???? I had some guy pull up behind me awhile ago and thrusted a piece of paper into my hand.
"Help me find my Yorkie!" And he drove off. The paper had a picture of his dog on it. Why me? Do I really look like the sort who will drop everything to go and look for your dog? You lost it, you find it!
The Thursday crew was really good. They knew what they were doing, they were polite, and quick. It only took them a day and a half to pack all of our storage.
In the middle of all the craziness of packing this little rat/dog thing ran into the house. Jamin picked it up and took it outside. The lady across the street said she knew who it belonged to. So Jamin handed up the chiwowaw (I have no idea how to spell the name!). Life was good. And then a lady stopped by and asked if we had seen her dog. Jamin told what had happened. She left, life was good again. I took the our dog on a walk. I'm stopped by this car in the middle of the intersection. Of course I'm thinking I'm about to get mugged or something. Nope.
This lady wanted to know where/why we took her dog!!! She asked if the people we gave the dog to was crazy..I told her no. I bit my tongue not to say something really sarcastic! I assured her we hadn't taken her dog and told her where to go for the dog. I pressed on with my walk. Life was good again.
The neighbors we gave the dog to was wrong about knowing where the dog belonged, and so she handed it off to another neighbor and ran some chores.
About ten minutes later the same car pulled up behind me and the lady asked me AGAIN. I told her all I knew again...she asked me to look for her dog because they had no idea where they were. While the lady had been stalking me another lady had been doing the same to Jamin at the house. Jamin and I went and looked for the dog and eventually found the chiwowaw. Go to Scribe-Jamin.blogspot.com for the things we wanted to say during this whole show!
WHY does everybody assume I want to help them find their dogs???? I had some guy pull up behind me awhile ago and thrusted a piece of paper into my hand.
"Help me find my Yorkie!" And he drove off. The paper had a picture of his dog on it. Why me? Do I really look like the sort who will drop everything to go and look for your dog? You lost it, you find it!
I completely forgot what we did Monday, all I remember is being out of the house until midnight....so let's go with Tuesday!
We got the house ready for the packer, who come Wednesday. My little brothers (Nolan and Alex) and sister (Arielle) had a play. They did GREAT.
Before we went to go and see the play my dad had made a slushy..which included:
~Agave Nectar
~Lemon juice
I drank that thing without even thinking....I was fine for a few hours and then the sugar caught up with me while packing my dad's office. I decided somewhere early into this adventure that I was the Wolverine....which might explain the pictures.

Poor Josiah was stuck in close proximity with me while I was high on sugar! If you know me then you know I'm already a hyper character; so for my brother to tell me I was being crazy says something!
I don't remember all that I did to him...I remember jumping out at him and attacking him with "metalic claws". Also I sang every Tim Hawkins, Christain, Disney, Dream Works, and Country song I've ever heard!
We got the house ready for the packer, who come Wednesday. My little brothers (Nolan and Alex) and sister (Arielle) had a play. They did GREAT.
Before we went to go and see the play my dad had made a slushy..which included:
~Agave Nectar
~Lemon juice
I drank that thing without even thinking....I was fine for a few hours and then the sugar caught up with me while packing my dad's office. I decided somewhere early into this adventure that I was the Wolverine....which might explain the pictures.

Poor Josiah was stuck in close proximity with me while I was high on sugar! If you know me then you know I'm already a hyper character; so for my brother to tell me I was being crazy says something!
I don't remember all that I did to him...I remember jumping out at him and attacking him with "metalic claws". Also I sang every Tim Hawkins, Christain, Disney, Dream Works, and Country song I've ever heard!

Okay...here it is!
These last few days have been super crazy and busy! Let's start with Sunday. I'm sure grammar and word order is going to be really messed up; so hang in there!
I hacked my mom's blog to say Happy Mother's day.

We pulled on the rope to stop the branch from taking Dad off off of the ladder. Which almost happened anyways, so why do they keep us around?????

We had this long branch hanging over the house and so it needed to go. But we had just raked the yard and so we didn't want to cut up the branches in the yard because we'd have to rake again. I thought it would be a good idea to tie it to the back of the van and then tow it to the back. I didn't suggest it...it seemed too crazy.
WELLLL...Josiah had the same idea and he DID suggest it. Dad liked it, so we gave it a try.
The looks the neighbors gave us!
I hacked my mom's blog to say Happy Mother's day.
My Dad, Josiah, Jamin, and I trimmed branches over the house.
Josiah "supervises,"....a typical government job!
We pulled on the rope to stop the branch from taking Dad off off of the ladder. Which almost happened anyways, so why do they keep us around?????

We had this long branch hanging over the house and so it needed to go. But we had just raked the yard and so we didn't want to cut up the branches in the yard because we'd have to rake again. I thought it would be a good idea to tie it to the back of the van and then tow it to the back. I didn't suggest it...it seemed too crazy.
WELLLL...Josiah had the same idea and he DID suggest it. Dad liked it, so we gave it a try.
The looks the neighbors gave us!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Day Before the Packers
I'll write a full and complete account of what is going on later...but for right now just know that we're all running around like crazy people!
A few tips:
~Get used to random people just walking into your house, and then grabbing an armful of stuff and then walking out.
~Scream into a pillow every now and again
~Don't walk into your living room with a gun in your hand....there might be a packer guy there. You saw nothing!
~Get a dog tag...it makes you feel better for some reason.
A few tips:
~Get used to random people just walking into your house, and then grabbing an armful of stuff and then walking out.
~Scream into a pillow every now and again
~Don't walk into your living room with a gun in your hand....there might be a packer guy there. You saw nothing!
~Get a dog tag...it makes you feel better for some reason.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hunting in a few years
My brother e-mailed this picture to me...it shows what hunting will be like after the Obama gun ban. 

It's all coming together....
I played basketball for my homeschool team this last year. I had a lot of fun, played hard, and made great memories being the biggest player on the court. As the season went on I noticed that I spent a lot of time on the floor. I usually walked away with loose teeth and a very bruised up body....and everyone else on my team was just fine. That's when I started to realize that people on the other teams didn't like me that much.
Maybe I shouldn't have provoked them by wearing a Target on my back....
I was talking to a guy who played on the other team and he explained to me the teams philosophy for dealing with me: Foul him, and then let him miss the free shots.
I really don't know why i missed so many of those free shots...to much adrenalin and then suddenly having to stop and take a accurate shot...that might be it.

I should have known.
Maybe I shouldn't have provoked them by wearing a Target on my back....
I was talking to a guy who played on the other team and he explained to me the teams philosophy for dealing with me: Foul him, and then let him miss the free shots.
I really don't know why i missed so many of those free shots...to much adrenalin and then suddenly having to stop and take a accurate shot...that might be it.
I guess I did tease them a lot....

I should have known.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Rest of the Story
I know this is totally random...and has no point, but I will write it anyways.
After many years of research and study I have come to the following conclusions about what's stupid funny, and what is just flat out stupid. Here's the definitions:
Stupid Funny: something said or done that isn't smart, but everybody laughs at; and you live without being put behind bars.
Stupid:Something that isn't smart that either A) gets you/or someone around you killed, or B)gets you put in jail. Nobody laughs at something stupid.
If you do something stupid funny then you are seen as a funny person who has good luck. But if you do something stupid then everybody will look on you with scorn and distrust...if you survive whatever you did.
An example of stupid funny would be:
~Jumping off of the high dive and doing a belly flop...that is stupid, but everybody will laugh.
A stupid thing to do would be to spray paint up your nose. Nobody will laugh and you'll most likely die.
A lot depends on how you do the thing. Most people will agree that diving from the rooftop is stupid...but if you say something catchy while you do it, then that could make a world of difference.
And so after lots of research I have decided that it is really important to be classy while you do what you do. A catchy phrase could make something totally stupid look funny, which will make you look funny. So my advice would be to practice saying catchy phrases so you're ready for doing something stupid funny.
After many years of research and study I have come to the following conclusions about what's stupid funny, and what is just flat out stupid. Here's the definitions:
Stupid Funny: something said or done that isn't smart, but everybody laughs at; and you live without being put behind bars.
Stupid:Something that isn't smart that either A) gets you/or someone around you killed, or B)gets you put in jail. Nobody laughs at something stupid.
If you do something stupid funny then you are seen as a funny person who has good luck. But if you do something stupid then everybody will look on you with scorn and distrust...if you survive whatever you did.
An example of stupid funny would be:
~Jumping off of the high dive and doing a belly flop...that is stupid, but everybody will laugh.
A stupid thing to do would be to spray paint up your nose. Nobody will laugh and you'll most likely die.
A lot depends on how you do the thing. Most people will agree that diving from the rooftop is stupid...but if you say something catchy while you do it, then that could make a world of difference.
And so after lots of research I have decided that it is really important to be classy while you do what you do. A catchy phrase could make something totally stupid look funny, which will make you look funny. So my advice would be to practice saying catchy phrases so you're ready for doing something stupid funny.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I did my last day of House of Faith this last Thursday, which made me sad. Then I went home and helped the family finish laying sod in the backyard.
Stacia pitches in!

My little brother got a hold of the camera and said to me, "Mr. President, what will your world policies be?" The picture followed.

Earlier in the week Jamin and I dug up the backyard for so we could lay the sod.

It has been really hot these last few days and so when we took the sink apart we didn't have much water for laying the sod, for drinking. It wasn't that bad for me, because I showed up near the end of this job, but everyone was really thirsty! So we hurried to put the sink back in. My older brother, Josiah, was able to come over and help us with this one.
We're laughing because right under us is a life and active sawsul....I don't know why that would make us laugh, but it did!

I wasn't feeling so good and so I went to bed around midnight, they finished the sink around 4:00 in the morning.
Stacia pitches in!

My little brother got a hold of the camera and said to me, "Mr. President, what will your world policies be?" The picture followed.

Earlier in the week Jamin and I dug up the backyard for so we could lay the sod.

It has been really hot these last few days and so when we took the sink apart we didn't have much water for laying the sod, for drinking. It wasn't that bad for me, because I showed up near the end of this job, but everyone was really thirsty! So we hurried to put the sink back in. My older brother, Josiah, was able to come over and help us with this one.
We're laughing because right under us is a life and active sawsul....I don't know why that would make us laugh, but it did!

I wasn't feeling so good and so I went to bed around midnight, they finished the sink around 4:00 in the morning.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I knew we should have turned left at Albuquerque......
Have you ever tried driving across town and then a few hours later find yourself seeing, "Welcome to San-Antonio!" signs on the road? First hint you went the wrong way....okay, maybe it wasn't that bad.
Jamin, Jake, and I were helping at a local ministry today...we usually help on Thursdays but we came to help on a Wednesday. So we had no idea what was going on. We sat down and started to talk. A few minutes later we realize we are the only ones in the room. We had been left in a foreign and unknown land with cannibals and head-hunters.
We walked around asking people how to get to the school that we were going to help at. Two people didn't know and then we asked the third. He told us to go down Bryant and turn at 14th street.
"Bryant? Oh okay! We're on our ways, thanks!" We all say something to that nature and then skip outside. We're happy and care free.
Once outside we all stopped and looked around.
"Um...where's Bryant?" A quick note: Bryant is the busy road right in front of the ministry that we were helping out!
"I think it's down town." So we all load in the car and head north and then northeast...ending up by the library. As we were driving we all started to get the feeling that we weren't where we needed to be. A text message later confirmed it. So we headed south....and passed the place we had just left, the ministry head quarters.
When we started to see the University apartments (on the south side of town) we began to think we missed our turn again. Jake called the firemen....they should know where everything in town is right? They did.
The school we were heading for was on the far north side of town, the side we had just left. We turned around again. As we pass the ministry building I suggested we stop there and TP all the cars in the parking lot, but we pressed on.
The whole time we were trying to figure out who to blame for us looking slightly unintelligent. Guys don't like looking behind the power curve so it has to be someone else's fault. Of course I was blamed because I was able to get lost for three hours in the Texas wilderness. But then Jake was blamed and then so was Jamin. We decided that it was the staffs fault...they were the ones who left us. But that didn't seem fair. We should have blamed it on global warming, everyone else does!
Eventually we found the school....and made a grand entrance...late, but it was grand...sort of!
Jamin, Jake, and I were helping at a local ministry today...we usually help on Thursdays but we came to help on a Wednesday. So we had no idea what was going on. We sat down and started to talk. A few minutes later we realize we are the only ones in the room. We had been left in a foreign and unknown land with cannibals and head-hunters.
We walked around asking people how to get to the school that we were going to help at. Two people didn't know and then we asked the third. He told us to go down Bryant and turn at 14th street.
"Bryant? Oh okay! We're on our ways, thanks!" We all say something to that nature and then skip outside. We're happy and care free.
Once outside we all stopped and looked around.
"Um...where's Bryant?" A quick note: Bryant is the busy road right in front of the ministry that we were helping out!
"I think it's down town." So we all load in the car and head north and then northeast...ending up by the library. As we were driving we all started to get the feeling that we weren't where we needed to be. A text message later confirmed it. So we headed south....and passed the place we had just left, the ministry head quarters.
When we started to see the University apartments (on the south side of town) we began to think we missed our turn again. Jake called the firemen....they should know where everything in town is right? They did.
The school we were heading for was on the far north side of town, the side we had just left. We turned around again. As we pass the ministry building I suggested we stop there and TP all the cars in the parking lot, but we pressed on.
The whole time we were trying to figure out who to blame for us looking slightly unintelligent. Guys don't like looking behind the power curve so it has to be someone else's fault. Of course I was blamed because I was able to get lost for three hours in the Texas wilderness. But then Jake was blamed and then so was Jamin. We decided that it was the staffs fault...they were the ones who left us. But that didn't seem fair. We should have blamed it on global warming, everyone else does!
Eventually we found the school....and made a grand entrance...late, but it was grand...sort of!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm Ralf
Don't you hate it when you see somebody you think you know and so you run up to that person and are like, "HEY MAN! long time no see? How are you doing?" and then the guy just nods and says he's doing great....and then asks who I am.....awwwkkkwwaaarddddd.
I am part of the problem, but they give me faulty information and that is another part of the problem. I'm always just like, "How dare you impersonate a friend of mine." I seem to have this happen quite a bit. I was in Midland doing an airshow with Civil Air Patrol and I was a flight commander; so I was running around with a roster trying to find the people in my flight. I run into a guy in the hallway. "Are you Nathaniel V?" the guy looks at me and nods his head. "Good, you have kitchen duty, meet me in the kitchen at 5:30 tomorrow morning." he nodded his head and everything seemed good. Welllll.......the next morning at 5:3 I say, "Nathaniel, how are you doing?" He says, "Nathaniel? I'm Ralf." Eventually we found the real person and had the impostor disposed of.
Or just the other day at the gym....I walk up to a guy. "Hey Mr. Jones [not his real name]! how are you doing? The guy looks at me, "pretty good," he has a look of confusion on his face. I try to clear it up, "I played basketball with Caleb, remember me?"
"MR. Jones", "you're Caleb?" At this point I'm beginning to realize something isn't right.
Me, "No I played basketball with Caleb, you are Caleb's dad, right?"
Mr Jones, "I'm Jeff from El Dorado." I hate it when that happens; because I feel stupid and they feel stalked......people should just quit looking like people I know and we wouldn't have this problem!
I am part of the problem, but they give me faulty information and that is another part of the problem. I'm always just like, "How dare you impersonate a friend of mine." I seem to have this happen quite a bit. I was in Midland doing an airshow with Civil Air Patrol and I was a flight commander; so I was running around with a roster trying to find the people in my flight. I run into a guy in the hallway. "Are you Nathaniel V?" the guy looks at me and nods his head. "Good, you have kitchen duty, meet me in the kitchen at 5:30 tomorrow morning." he nodded his head and everything seemed good. Welllll.......the next morning at 5:3 I say, "Nathaniel, how are you doing?" He says, "Nathaniel? I'm Ralf." Eventually we found the real person and had the impostor disposed of.
Or just the other day at the gym....I walk up to a guy. "Hey Mr. Jones [not his real name]! how are you doing? The guy looks at me, "pretty good," he has a look of confusion on his face. I try to clear it up, "I played basketball with Caleb, remember me?"
"MR. Jones", "you're Caleb?" At this point I'm beginning to realize something isn't right.
Me, "No I played basketball with Caleb, you are Caleb's dad, right?"
Mr Jones, "I'm Jeff from El Dorado." I hate it when that happens; because I feel stupid and they feel stalked......people should just quit looking like people I know and we wouldn't have this problem!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I finished school for the year!!! Life is good.
Jamin and I went to work on cutting branches in the backward. I can say, after seeing it done, that a sawsull can endure a lot! It was a lot of work. Some of the things we learned from this experience would include:
~Do not secure the ladder to the branch you plan on cutting from the tree.
~Do not let your brother get in the tree above you with the clippers. I'm walking and then a branch falls right behind me. I look up and he's muttering to himself, "missed him."
~Do not compare the shape of the branch to anything other than just a regular branch.
~Do not let your brother get under you with the clippers!
It wasn't all work...another thing not to do is sit on metal objects on the roof!

Later on I worked on a few projects in the house when Jamin went to work.
That wasn't to cool.

It can't all be work!!

All in all it was a good and productive day!
Jamin and I went to work on cutting branches in the backward. I can say, after seeing it done, that a sawsull can endure a lot! It was a lot of work. Some of the things we learned from this experience would include:
~Do not secure the ladder to the branch you plan on cutting from the tree.
~Do not let your brother get in the tree above you with the clippers. I'm walking and then a branch falls right behind me. I look up and he's muttering to himself, "missed him."
~Do not compare the shape of the branch to anything other than just a regular branch.
~Do not let your brother get under you with the clippers!
It wasn't all work...another thing not to do is sit on metal objects on the roof!

Later on I worked on a few projects in the house when Jamin went to work.
That wasn't to cool.

It can't all be work!!

All in all it was a good and productive day!
Just recently I went and saw the new X-men movie, Wolverine. Action was good, plot was okay, it was funny, it was tragic, and it had a crummy worldview...so it was your typical movie.
I watch a movie and enjoy it, but then I go home and that's when I analyze everything about the movie. One thing that really bothered me in this movie was its lack of any sort of grace or atonement. During the movie I watched as Logan (the dude with the claws) had bad thing after bad thing happen to him again and again. He was always the victim.
When his brother gets them in trouble with the army he is put in the firing squad with his brother, not an ideal situation. He is living a peaceful life later in the mountains with his wife and he is a lumberjack. All is good...but then his brother shows up and kills his wife. Logan is thirsty for revenge. He is constantly doing everything from then on out for revenge and thirst for blood.
At the end of the movie he is confused and lost. He wonders off through the rubbles of the installation that he just ripped to pieces. There is no atonement for him...no one to help him with the problems that have been thrown at him. He, "embraced his other side," and truly was an animal. It is really sad at how lost he was in his own attempts to take care of everything his own way.
This seems to reflect people nowadays...they're always trying to do things their own way, while at the same time denying that God exists. That movie was really missing something because it didn't have any grace or any sort of authority besides man himself.
Any thoughts about the movie?
I watch a movie and enjoy it, but then I go home and that's when I analyze everything about the movie. One thing that really bothered me in this movie was its lack of any sort of grace or atonement. During the movie I watched as Logan (the dude with the claws) had bad thing after bad thing happen to him again and again. He was always the victim.
When his brother gets them in trouble with the army he is put in the firing squad with his brother, not an ideal situation. He is living a peaceful life later in the mountains with his wife and he is a lumberjack. All is good...but then his brother shows up and kills his wife. Logan is thirsty for revenge. He is constantly doing everything from then on out for revenge and thirst for blood.
At the end of the movie he is confused and lost. He wonders off through the rubbles of the installation that he just ripped to pieces. There is no atonement for him...no one to help him with the problems that have been thrown at him. He, "embraced his other side," and truly was an animal. It is really sad at how lost he was in his own attempts to take care of everything his own way.
This seems to reflect people nowadays...they're always trying to do things their own way, while at the same time denying that God exists. That movie was really missing something because it didn't have any grace or any sort of authority besides man himself.
Any thoughts about the movie?
You know you live in a small town when....
Have you ever said something to one person and then within twenty minutes the story has come back to you in a changed format? If so, then you live in a small town!
You also know you're living in a small town when people you only talk to while walking the dog say, "Your moving to Japan? Didn't you used to live in Alaska?" That was a weird moment! It was like, "um....yeaaaahhhh, now who are you????"
You also know you're living in a small town when people you only talk to while walking the dog say, "Your moving to Japan? Didn't you used to live in Alaska?" That was a weird moment! It was like, "um....yeaaaahhhh, now who are you????"
Saturday, May 2, 2009
I decided I needed to go to the circus to show those clowns how it should be done...well, maybe not. My family and I went Wednesday and we all had a blast. We hadn't been to a circus in over 10 years...which is a long time for my short life!

AW! The Aggie and Longhorn sharing popcorn!

It is very funny watching people react when they find out Jamin and I are brothers. Some people are like, "You guys are related???" Others are like, "you two look a lot alike!" Just look at the picture above and you can decide!
This guy kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time; I thought he was going to fall at one point.

Here's most of the family

It was a lot of fun and who knows when we'll go to another with moving overseas!
Do you have any circus experiences?
Before the circus started, Jamin and I jumped in the middle and jumped roped. I'm sure we looked ridiculous, because I certainly felt ridiculous!

AW! The Aggie and Longhorn sharing popcorn!

It is very funny watching people react when they find out Jamin and I are brothers. Some people are like, "You guys are related???" Others are like, "you two look a lot alike!" Just look at the picture above and you can decide!
This guy kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time; I thought he was going to fall at one point.

Here's most of the family

It was a lot of fun and who knows when we'll go to another with moving overseas!
Do you have any circus experiences?
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