You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I did my last day of House of Faith this last Thursday, which made me sad. Then I went home and helped the family finish laying sod in the backyard.

Stacia pitches in!

My little brother got a hold of the camera and said to me, "Mr. President, what will your world policies be?" The picture followed.

Earlier in the week Jamin and I dug up the backyard for so we could lay the sod.
jared jamin,yard

It has been really hot these last few days and so when we took the sink apart we didn't have much water for laying the sod, for drinking. It wasn't that bad for me, because I showed up near the end of this job, but everyone was really thirsty! So we hurried to put the sink back in. My older brother, Josiah, was able to come over and help us with this one.

We're laughing because right under us is a life and active sawsul....I don't know why that would make us laugh, but it did!

I wasn't feeling so good and so I went to bed around midnight, they finished the sink around 4:00 in the morning.

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