While in Crescent City ,we built a raft, The Drunken Duck (nicknamed U.S.S Submarine by Uncle Earl). While In Eugen we decided to build a tree house. We found a good tree and a pallet in the basement. Mom and Stacia were shopping at the time. Krista and Arielle climbed into the tree and I lifted the pallet over my head to them in tree. Nolan, Alex, and G'Ma were putting in steps for the vertically challenged, as Krista would say. We discovered a flaw in the plan: We didn't have a support piece for the middle.
Krista, Arielle, and I went back to the basement to borrow some wood from another pallet.
"Wouldn't it be funny if Mom were to walk in right now." I joked as I banged away with the hatchet. "I can see it now, 'Well Mom, we've decided that we've been inside to long, we're tunneling out!'" Right as I finished, Mom's head poked around the corner.
"Um, hi Mom." I hide the hatchet behind my back. I bet you can almost hear me saying, "wanna hear a funny story?"
We went back out and added the center piece. It is still weak and we need to take a rope and tie it to the branches above. G'Pa dropped by later with a lot of extra building material...I think we can get it really secure now!

I would argue that this is more sound than the Drunken Duck
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