You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Friday, July 24, 2009

Can you hear me now?

I had some pictures I was trying to load on the computer...but not being very computer savvy makes it hard to do. I'll have to see if Mom can help me with it.

Mom and Krista are at the bank. I was going to go with them, but I missed them and was left behind. Bre is taking Alex and Stacia to get hair cuts. Arielle wanted to did Nolan. That maxed out her car. So I'm sitting here trying not be hurt that everyone left me behind. lol
Bre just called on Krista's phone, she left it in her room. I saw the called ID was Bre so I answered.
"Hey...who is this."
"Jared, ask Mom if..."
"I'm not with Mom, remember, y'all left me behind."
"Oh, I found them cheaper than I thought, do you want two?"
"Two hair cuts?" I'm thinking, what good is two haircuts at the same time????
"No, the pants."
"What are we talking about?"

Communication-The art of transferring thoughts, opinions, and messages from one person to another.


Daughter of Trust said...

Jared! I specifically said "I'm getting your jeans and they are cheaper than we thought. do you need two?" also....I can't remember my "also" because I'm tired and there's a fly buzzing around my head.

Natalie said...

