You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Monday, July 20, 2009


WE continued work on the tree house and with some additional supplies from G'Pa we finished it! I can't get the video to load that would explain a lot of things, but we named it, "Revenge of the Drunken Duck." Or RDD. The thought being that we pushed the Duck down the river and it ended up in a tree.
I offer to chop off a loose branch
It can fit the two younger ones and Krista or I before it falls to the floor

I was siting on my bed doing devotions and Alex walks in. He sits down and proceeds to empty the air out of Nolan's air mattress. He walks out. He an Nolan walk back in. Nolan notices his bed. I am, of course, blamed for the mattress. After convincing Nolan I didn't do it, I go back to devotions. Alex leaves and Nolan starts re-filling his mattress again. Nolan stops and then empties Alex's mattress. These two think they are so subtle! lol


Deja said...

So, ummm, this time of transition is getting to the little boys?

Jared said...

I think it may be getting to them! They both thought they were so clever while they did it. And I was the convienent perosn to blame, so I got blamed. lol
