After we (actually Dad did it, but I supervised) cut the tree down we (Nolan and I) had to hack our way through the brush to get to the site of the "crash." A few minutes later, a few more angry bees later, Nolan and I arrived back at the house. Dad asked what was wrong.
"Wanna hear a funny story? It's about a little boy who made a mistake."
Chainsaw problems

Nolan on our "Lumberjack trail"

This was the sort of stuff we were working in

Earlier in the day, Nolan and I carried logs from the river, across the beach, up the trail to the house, and then in the front yard. This project spilled over into the next day. Dad would cut off a chunk. Nolan would carry it up to the house where I would be waiting with an axe to split it. Have you ever noticed how splitting wood is a good time to think?
Being tagged is blogger lingo for the following: Hi! Would you please answer these totally random questions that I received from the previous tagger? Thanks! OK, if you didn't understand any of that go to my blog and look at the second post. Maybe you'll understand then. If not... just remind yourself that I'm crazy and have no clue what I'm saying half the time (which is true to a certain level) and forget about it! (LOL)
haha...okay, I'll check it out
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