S. Dakota is really pretty. The KOA we stayed in was huge. And it was cold. Very cold. Did I mention the blizzard? Oh yeah, for reals. lol
We went into town, Hillside, I think is what it was called. We had diner and then went to watch a gun show down town.
I don't know why people see us and automatically assume that we should be behind bars!
Yep...they finally caught us!

It was SOOO cold! They look sort of like homeless people!

After the gun show we drove up the mountain to see Rushmore. The weather the next day was supposed to me overcast and so we went while it was still clear.
When we got up there we saw a coke machine. I ran up next to it and got a picture. Then we all stood in front of it and got a picture. Some people were walking by and sort of gave us a funny look. I couldn't help it...."MT. Rushmore? Nah, we're here for the coke!" I don't think they heard!
Me and my homeboys

MT. Rushmore...truly amazing

Most of the family (Dad is taking the picture, Josiah and Jamin are in TX and Bre is in WA). Nolan is NOT as tall as me...I just had to duck down so I didn't block out Washington.

I found it sad walking around, reading things Washington said. This country has gone so far away from what Washington laid out.
Alex and Stacia enjoy the displays

After dark they lighted the mountain and then asked all the military to come up front and everyone cheered for them. My Dad is front row, second from the right. The only one standing at attention. lol

Great Pictures! Whenever I think of the history of our country, I often wonder what the founding fathers would think and say if they were here now.
I am very sure they would be angry with us for letting the government get so much power. And I'm sure they would be angry at the government for trying to overide the will of the people.
Crazy times we live in!
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