You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Last Day....

This is a combination of two days in Crescent City. The day before our last day we went down to the ocean. We took pictures and walked along the pier. That was cool. And then the last day we....we....I don't know what we did. I forgot, I do remember finishing up jobs around the house and visiting grandparents.

In a few days y'all will get another post titled the last day! I have a lot of last days! lol

One of the final jobs we needed to do was bring the rowboat up from the river. Krista, Alex, and I undertook this job. I didn't position myself right and so I was bent over looked sort of like I had a cross on my back.
"I fell like I'm carrying a cross." I comment to Krista.
"Do we need to stop so you can move around?" She asks.
"No. Just hurry and take me to Calvary."


Natalie said...

Somehow I don't think a rowboat and a cross are the same thing. :D

Jared said...

y'know what, It felt like the same thing. lol
