You cannot carry your cross while sitting on the fence

Remember Who We Are

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pictures from yesterday....

We got this picture driving down the road...
Mom took this picture in some small town...I try to look casual as I stand next to her.


Natalie said...

Love Great Harvest.

Jenny said...

lol i was thinkin bout yall today when it was 102 outside. lol since your all shivering. Personally I can't even imagine being cold right now haha

Jared said...

Jenny, y'know, I was having trouble imagining it being cold to. It was 102??? Wow, it is heating up down there!
Parts of MT actually was having snow storms while we drove through the state.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said... do such a grand job standing beside me and looking casual, Jared. ::snort:: You KNOW you love me - quirks and all.
